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Osteopaths are allied health professionals that offer patient-centred approaches to healthcare and functional improvement which recognise the vital link between the structure of the body and the way it functions. Osteopaths focus on how the skeleton, joints, muscles, nerves, circulation, connective tissue and internal organs function as a holistic unit.

In Australia, osteopaths are government registered practitioners who complete minimum accredited university training in anatomy, physiology, pathology, general healthcare diagnosis, and osteopathic techniques.


It all started with Dr Andrew Taylor Still in the 1870's...

He was a doctor, surgeon, inventor, state legislator and all round brilliant man. He opened the first Osteopathic school in 1892 at Kirksville, Missouri and slowly it spread. People from all over the country were travelling for Osteopathic treatment with Dr Still and his students. Nowadays Osteopathy is available in most countries around the world, taught in many different languages and expressed in many different formats. The beauty of Osteopathy is the wide variety of techniques taught at university meaning that treatment can be customised depending on the patients needs, age and condition. Everyone is an individual. Every treatment is unique.

Why see an Osteopath?

Its rather simple... when our bodies aren't functioning optimally they tell us. Whether it be via niggles, pain, numbness, restricted movement, or just not feeling quite right. 

The role of the Osteopath is to encourage healthy motion when aspects of it have been halted.

Treatments are for all ages, hands on and gentle.

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Allow 60 minutes for initial consults . 30-40 minutes for returns. Extended appointments available if needed.


Detailed medical history will be taken. Please bring any scans or medical reports you have


Depending on your presenting complaint or whether its just a check up we will most likely need to perform some simple movements and / or orthopaedic tests to assess your state of health


If appropriate, an Osteopathic treatment will take place addressing the findings during examination. Using gentle, hands on techniques to best achieve ease in mobility, decrease in pain and strength where needed.


Simple and honest advice on how to best achieve a better state of health. Where required referral will be made to see other medical or allied health practitioners. Exercises may be given when indicated.

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B.Sc. (Clin Sci), M.HlthSci (Osteo)




Jess is a nature lover, anatomy geek and enthusiastic osteopath. Having completed her qualifications at Victoria University, Jess got to further hone her skills during a placement at the British School of Osteopathy. She has furthered her education by studying Biodynamic Osteopathy.

Jess has a passion for community-based health with an emphasis on diversity and inclusion. She aims to find a clear diagnosis, give you clarity about your injury and what you can do to help yourself. Jess will provide a holistic management plan to support your body’s inherent healing capacity.

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B.App.Sc. (Comp Med), M.Ost, Member Osteopathy Australia

Agata graduated from RMIT University with a Masters in Osteopathy in 2007. She has practised at a busy Osteopathic clinic in Melbourne prior to relocating to Adelaide in 2018. She has post graduate training in Paediatrics, Obstetrics, Retained Primitive Reflexes, Biodynamic Osteopathy in the Cranial Field, and Dr Still Principles and Practice. When not working or running after her two young kids she loves to spend time at the beach, in the bush, dancing, camping, eating, gardening, or reading. She loves to talk about all aspects of healthcare!  

If you're unsure whether Osteopathy can be of benefit to you or someone you know, please do not hesitate to send an email, call or text so we can have a chat. 


753 Port Rd. Woodville 5011

phone 0481 778 842

fax 08 7081 7002

Please note we are located inside the Tim Morris real estate building on the corner of Port Rd and Hughes St South. Parking is available onsite, right in front of our door.

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Servicing the Adelaide community and in particular Woodville, Largs Bay, West lakes, Semaphore, Port Adelaide, Seaton, Rosewater, Cheltenham, St Clair, Croydon, Athol Park, Ferryden Park, Grange, Tennyson, Findon, Albert Park, Henley, Fulham, Bowden, Beverley, Royal Park, Hendon, Kilkenny, Brompton, Hindmarsh, Allenby gardens, Queenstown

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